Main Menu and Resources Update


With this update, I have partially revised the resource consumption system.

Previously, each citizen had a list of required resources that, if not fulfilled, would lower their happiness. This approach meant that most citizens needed to consume the same common item, like bread, which led to unrealistic scenarios where some citizens would refuse to eat available food even if they were starving.

To address this, I’ve introduced resource subtypes: Food and Drinks. Citizens no longer require specific food items; they only need to satisfy their hunger and thirst. Each food type also has different values for how much hunger they can satisfy. For example, 1 meat has more value than 1 apple.

This change prompted updates to the City UI. Instead of showing demand for specific products, the UI now displays the total supply of food and the total demand. When consumed, food will be taken proportionally from all available types. Additionally, a greater variety of food in the city will boost the residents' happiness.

Please Note: With these changes old save data will not be valid as I added many new resources and remade someof the existing ones. Your old save might still load but will be missing all the new stuff and might run into errors!

And finally I've added Main menu. 

What’s Next?

Depending on the complexity, I would like to add data charts to help players better visualize and analyze city growth, demands, and their own profits.

If the economy stabilizes, I will look for new ways for players to spend money. Current ideas include maintenance costs, taxes, or entry fees for cities.

Main menu also could use some work. Last time I said it would provide opportunity of adding different maps but so far I still need to make them.

If you have any other ideas, feel free to share them!

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79 days ago

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