Can ChatGPT make complex trading game? YES!!!

I finally decided to explore how effective ChatGPT could be in assisting with game development, and I was pleasantly surprised by it how much it exceeded my expectations.

Initially, I thought it could help me set up some basic components, and it did that very well. Then I began adding more complexity and each time ChatGPT would just responded with, "Yeah, here is how you do it..." :D

After generating around 1,000 lines of high-quality code, I had to carefully review everything, as it occasionally renamed variables and sometimes forgot definitions for more complex elements. Despite these minor issues, the overall boost to my productivity was incredible, allowing me to accomplish so much in just one month.

So far ChatGPT helped me create the foundational graph pathing system for the entire map, wrote all the Editor class scripts for managing game objects within the editor, and implemented systems for resources inventory, trading logic, city buildings, and inhabitants.

Regarding the UI, ChatGPT generated classes that matched the prompts perfectly and implemented constraints, such as disabling buttons when necessary. While the UI still needs improvement and is somewhat challenging to use, this is more my fault for not better planning this before :)

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5 days ago

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